Spring cleaning

Well, it sort of falls under that umbrella.

As I have some time on my hands, and an urge to actually get to grips with being 'back on track' with making things, yesterday I decided to pull out all the boxed card-making stuff I know I had.

This appears to be the bulk of my cardstock.

However, this is one of five boxes of things relating to card-making! I got the four small ones out of storage and will try to go through the other three today. As you can see, they're pretty full.

Once I've done that there's one big box with scrapbooking papers, ribbons and other decorative items that I need to tackle. I'm working my way up to the massive brown cardboard box which is labelled "craft stuff" as what it contains is anyone's guess; could be more cardstock, could be beads, wooden blanks, gemstones, soap-making paraphernlia, could be display stands...

As long as it doesn't have a giant spider lurking on it, I should be okay.


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