
Welcome!  This is the first page of my blog, written in very unusual circumstances. Right now I am "cooped up" at home, following advice to stay home as much as possible in light of the Corona virus pandemic. Being unable to carry out all my 'normal' distractions has given me time to reflect and review.

When I started making craft items, years ago, I ..... you can see my old blog here - 
Right now I can't log into that site to update and point you here!

I've been away from crafting of many kinds for quite a few years....

Now I'm working with the lovely Riverbank witch to bring you all manner of handmade items. 

Now I have dusted off my beads and papers, and I'm back. 

These are some the the gems I have available to make earrings/bracelets with. Lots of sparkly crystals and beautiful semi-precious stones.  Right now, I'm using my Facebook page to showcase what I currently have available.  


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